Pairing Bernafon SoundGate 2 with TV Adapter 2

Pairing Bernafon SoundGate 2 with TV Adapter 2 Print

  1. Make sure your TV Adapter is connected to your TV and it is on

  2. Press and hold the power button for 5 seconds on your SoundGate 2 and then release

  3. The power button will start blinking blue, this means it is in pairing mode

  4. Pairing is completed when the power indicator and the TV indicator is a solid blue

Once a TV Adapter has been paired with your SoundGate 2 it will be available as a program in your hearing aids.

To listen to the TV simply press and hold the program switch on your hearing aids or SoundGate 2 to change programs. To stop the sound from the TV simply change to the desired program in your hearing aids.

*The program cycle will depend on the programs already available in your hearing aids*

You can refer to Bernafon’s TV Adapter Manual Here

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