Oticon Intent Introduction

Oticon Intent Introduction Print

Oticon introduced its latest model of it’s hearing aid technology in 2024, called Oticon Intent. Intent utilizes the world’s first 4D user intent sensor, designed to understand and adapt to the listening intentions of the wearer. Intent hearing aids recognize body and head movements and nearby conversation activities. It’s the smallest, most discreet, rechargeable miniRITE style Oticon has developed. This ultra-fast technology ensures users can enjoy clear, stable sound without worrying about whistling and poor sound quality.

 Oticon Intent is powered by a size 13 Lithium-ion battery which provides 33% shorter charging time compared to previous models so users can get even more use from the hearing aids. It also contains a telecoil, allowing users to connect to Teleloop systems in locations where available.

 Intent allows for hands-free calls with iPhone and compatible Android smartphones, made possible because of Bluetooth Low Energy technology. Thus, users do not need to hold their phone to their mouth when talking or use an intermediary device such as a ConnectClip to enjoy hands-free streaming. In addition, Intent is a future-proof hearing aid, ready for communication technologies such as Auracast broadcast audio.

 With the use of the Intent and the Oticon Companion app, users can enjoy new features such as the Sound Equalizer, Streaming Equalizer, Speech Booster, Tinnitus SoundSupport and many others, giving them more control over their hearing aids performance than ever before.

 Intent hearing aids are powered by a single push button on both aids providing users ease of use with turning ON/OFF, volume control, program change, and airplane mode.

 Oticon Intent technology comes in several levels (Intent 1, 2 and 3) allowing individuals, along with the assistance of their hearing care professionals, to choose the right technology level based on their hearing and lifestyle needs while considering their budget.



To learn more about Oticon Intent hearing aids, schedule an appointment with a hearing care professional at a HearingLife clinic at the following link: https://www.hearinglife.ca/book-a-consultation/online-booking#/find-a-center


This article is brought to you by the Hearing Professionals at HearingLife Canada. For more information about HearingLife and our services, please visit us at hearinglife.ca

This article is brought to you by the Hearing Professionals at HearingLife Canada. For more information about HearingLife and our services, please visit us at hearinglife.ca

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